Today, November 2nd, 2010, is a day that many people are considering an “important” day in the history of our country. It’s mid-term Election Day AKA the day that Democrats will lose all voice in this country to psycho hyper-religious tea partiers and what little sanity that was left in this country will be lost. I mean what is there to do at this point? Seriously. Nothing. There aren’t even sane candidates running anymore. It’s either the hyper-religious tea party freaks or Republicans masked as “liberal” Democrats. The politics have been so messed up in this country for so long that no one really knows which way is up anymore and people have lost sight of what is right.
In my opinion it’s like this, you just have to grin and bear it. This country is a messed up place that’s more divided than ever in the middle of more crisis than anyone knows what to do with and everyone is more eager to look for someone to blame than actually do something about it. Okay, Obama was a lot of talk, but how much did people expect from him? Clearly the moon (which we will no doubt soon be inhabiting). The state of the country, and the entire world, is so fragile that what’s so wrong with having an intellectual leader who hopes for the best and ran on a platform of hope? Must we just be miserable and fight about everything?
Yeah, we’re all fired up by what we think needs to happen and what we believe to be right, but frankly not everyone agrees with each other. And we aren’t in charge of the country last time I checked (at least no one I know). We need to find some sort of happy middle ground where everyone can try to coexist without fighting one another about beliefs. People lately have become so blinded by themselves and so caught up in this strange “I’m better than everyone and I’m the only person that’s right” American way of thinking that we in this incredibly tense place as a country.
Also, I can’t understand how anyone thinks they have any control of the government or the way we live anymore. Honestly, Obama doesn’t even have that power. I am no advocate, by any means, but there is something very wrong with the most “progressive country in the world” where it’s actually illegal if you are openly gay to serve in the military for your country that is in war with practically everyone, a country that forces it’s presence to be known everywhere; a country that could use any help it can get because it’s so involved with everyone else’s affairs. If I sound disheartened about the state of America, and the world, well, if you think about it, I am. It’s just all so frustrating. But at this point I’ve had to stop thinking about it. In my opinion, the best we can do is vote for the people who we think are right and pray that some sort of sanity returns to politics. We don’t need super right-wing or super left-wing. What we really need is a middle ground. There can’t be this battle between Republican and Democrat because now it’s forcing these super psycho candidates to run for office, and trust me that’s the last thing we want. We really need some level-headed candidates to put into office. People who can actually do the job right, who have a vision to make America better. Actually better. Not just their version of better. People who listen to what the American people actually want, can intuit what they need, and build from there.
I think everyone needs to stop worrying about conservative/liberal, Democrat/Republican, because it is stopping us from getting anywhere. Start focusing on bringing everyone together and then working as a whole to make America great again. Apparently I’m a patriot right now. But seriously, I like to be optimistic. I honestly want this country, and this world to be great. I want to be proud of the place that I live, and have it not just be a place for me to step. Is that so much to ask? Hmm, I do need a job though. Maybe I can be President? How do I do that? Where do I apply? Does anyone know who can I forward my resume to…? Willow Smith?
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